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All information, data, and material contained, presented, or provided on The Free Thought Project is for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed or intended as providing medical or legal advice. Any views expressed here-in are not necessarily those held by
Home to 2000 rescued animals and campaigning to help animals in need…
Hillside was founded to help and campaign for animals in need, particularly those who suffer every day in the intensive factory farming industry. In 1995, with just 20 acres of land, Hillside began rescuing animals. Since then our numbers have steadily grown and we are now home to around 2000 rescued animals living on over 1000 acres, which includes Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary at West Runton. All our animals receive a good standard of basic care and our ability to save so many is attributable to the loyal help of our supporters, through whom we have been able to turn a vision into reality.
Mission du Refuge
Depuis des millénaires, le cheval est le compagnon privilégié de l’Homme. Cette relation exceptionnelle, dont l’Homme tire profit pour son plaisir ou pour son travail, se termine malheureusement trop souvent d’une manière tragique et révoltante: lorsque le cheval est trop vieux ou ne peut plus donner entière satisfaction à son propriétaire, il est envoyé… à la boucherie..
Révoltée par cet état de fait, et passionnée depuis son plus enfance par ce compagnon, Anouk THIBAUD a décidé de créer l’association “Le Refuge de Darwyn “(en hommage à son cheval disparu). Celle-ci a vu le jour le 17.02.2000 et se trouve maintenant à Genève, en Suisse.